Kevin Gabbert
Videographer, Graphic Designer
Creative Services Dept.Back in 2015 I had been interviewing in the Seattle area when a temp agency I'd been working with told me about a position where they thought my skills and experience could make me a good fit. At that time, I'd worked in a number of professions such as software tester, web designer and teacher and now my path seemed to be leading me to become a graphic designer with an international women's ministry.
I had not been raised in the church and was fairly new in my walk with the Lord, so the idea of working at a ministry was quite an unexpected turn in my life. However, things seemed to fall into place from the interview forward and it felt like in no time there I was at HQ on my first day when Rick Allen (the director of Creative Services) told me that everyone had been called into prayer.
I'm not sure I could say quite what happened that first time we gathered in the conference room to pray since I was trying to take it all in, and I do remember that it felt unlike anything I'd ever experienced in my life up to that point. Later, as we all left the conference room I turned to Rick and asked him "What WAS that I felt in there?" I didn't know, and I was determined to find out.
In seven years with Aglow I've had many such experiences and I hope they never become something that I take for granted, that they will always be a surprise, always something to experience in the moment with Him and never to be rushed through. Likewise, seven years of His lessons for me have included many setbacks and failures on my part, yet somehow, I do seem to move forward however slowly and haltingly, and I try to be with Him in those difficult moments as well and see them as the lessons they are.
It's in those moments that I often feel called to move closer to how He sees me and to be able to present a better version of myself for my wife Elizabeth, for our children and grandchildren, and for everyone I interact with.