The Aglow Venezuela National President, Nelda Castellano, was happy to attend the 2021 Aglow conference in Orlando not by Webcast but in person. She was part of the Aglow group from Miami, and sent this heartfelt message to Aglow headquarters following the conference.
Nelda wrote:
Nelda Castellano
Aglow Venezuela National PresidentThe Conference for me was a good challenge from the beginning when Linda Jones, who gave the opening message, spoke from her heart and confronted us with her question: Who is sitting on your throne?Lance Wallnau was an inspiration of life. Even when he spoke in the American context, the way he presented a Jesus as Love and at the same time Warrior and also as the King who keeps us in wisdom, was sobering for me. In the USA the church is the movement, this is valid in any country. And needless to say, I loved his way of approaching the 7 spheres of society and our invasion in prayer to the 7 mountains. God will enter by our authority and influence and occupy the places. And if our family has the movement of God, we will be kept from these dangerous times. Hallelujah!
Dutch Sheets prophetic message was very powerful and I received it in my spirit. He said, God says, I need you now, and I (Nelda) answered, "If my God." Passion for Him is the key, Aglow holds it, and I am Aglow. Tell Him Yes and do what He tells us to do. He said America will be saved and at this time the Eagles have an assignment. With the power of the Holy Spirit, I (Nelda) am an Eagle and I will release arrows of prayer for the USA, for Venezuela and for the nations of the earth.
The group of singers, how they discerned the times, how they flowed was beautiful ... I have no words! Passionate worshippers. Praise be to our God!
From beginning to end, a Conference in His Presence. To Him all the glory!